Total Jobs : 3416

Full Stack Developer


0-0 yrs
PureCode is a front end developer tool where engineers can use text to describe and generate, or customize software user interfaces - (and soon entire projects) Our goal is to build a must use developer tool for front-end engineers to build web software 100x faster!
75000 USD P.A
MERN Developer

0-0 yrs
PureCode is a front end developer tool where engineers can use text to describe and generate, or customize software user interfaces - (and soon entire projects) Our goal is to build a must use developer tool for front-end engineers to build web software 100x faster!
75000 USD P.A
Node JS Engineer

0-5 yrs
PureCode is a front end developer tool where engineers can use text to describe and generate, or customize software user interfaces - (and soon entire projects) Our goal is to build a must use developer tool for front-end engineers to build web software 100x faster!
User Interface Designer // User Experience Designer

0-5 yrs
PureCode is a front end developer tool where engineers can use text to describe and generate, or customize software user interfaces - (and soon entire projects) Our goal is to build a must use developer tool for front-end engineers to build web software 100x faster!
75000 USD P.A

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